About Us

One of the most pressing issues of this generational is the negative impact humans are having on the environment. Pollution, the excessive burning of fossil fuels, deforestation are just some of the things triggering climate change, poor air quality, undrinkable water, and extinction. For the millions of years Earth has existed, it has consistently provided the means for survival of all known organisms. Today, that is threatened. Earth provides all that we have therefore it is our obligation to mitigate the damages. 


Home is where the heart is but Earth is where we are, therefore the purpose of Holistic Home Shop is to create a practical approach to these issues. We believe that this is now the opportunity for us to integrate responsible practices into our routines. In our everyday lives, we often struggle to find ways to positively impact our environment but no more! To learn more about our mission, click here. 


Decorating your home is a deeply personal and meaningful endeavor. That's why we've made it our mission to infuse every purchase with purpose. A portion of every sale goes towards supporting Eager to Serve, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the well-being of children and families across Long Island through a variety of essential services. By choosing to beautify your space with us, you're not just enhancing your own surroundings—you're also weaving a stronger fabric within the Long Island community. We firmly believe in the power of giving back, viewing it as both a gesture of gratitude and a catalyst for shared prosperity. As we adorn our homes with care and consideration, we hold in our hearts those who may not have a place to call their own or who struggle to maintain theirs. It's our deepest hope that through our annual donations, we can bring comfort and support to those in need right here in our own community. With each purchase you make, you're spreading positivity and making a tangible difference. Together, we're building a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

In addition to helping the planet, Holistic Home Shop can be held to a standard of social responsibility. A majority of our products are manufactured and distributed in the U.S. where there are standards for production and protection for workers. We believe the equitable treatment and payment of all persons is a non-negotiable standard of business. We also believe that regulations for production in the U.S. best fit our mission to restore the welfare of our environment. Our intention is peace of mind. The manufacturing, distribution, and consumption of Holistic Home Shop products is designed to benefit all. To learn more about our social responsibility clause click here.